Wednesday, August 26, 2020
System Analysis and Design for Cloud Solution - myassignmenthelp
Question: Examine about theSystem Analysis and Design for Cloud Based Solution. Answer: Presentation In all the various methodologies of System Development Life Cycle prerequisites particulars for a specific framework must be set first. The necessity determination establishes the tone for the execution of another framework. In the event that the necessity determination stage is all around characterized, at that point the precise progression of steps till the execution is smoothened. Highlights of the my wellbeing record framework These are basically the characteristics of a framework that ought to be delineated by the wellbeing record framework; the measurements that cause a framework to fit the bill to be alluded to in general. The cloud based arrangement framework ought to have these properties/highlights/characteristics for it to be viewed as executed as my wellbeing record framework for Headspace wellbeing association. Order of framework characteristics. This is as indicated by interface necessity characteristics, execution prerequisite characteristics, life cycle necessity characteristics, business necessity characteristics and government arrangements prerequisite characteristics. Interface necessity characteristics. This is the capacity of the cloud based answer for actualize the intuitive element of the new my wellbeing record framework which will in general cooperate with the clients who are the medication professionals and the adolescents with the psychological issues. The young people register themselves in the cloud based arrangement framework and give their subtleties. The medication experts for example a specialist gets to the subtleties of the young and gives prompt through reports which the adolescent will undoubtedly get, Execution Requirement characteristics. The cloud based framework ought to have the option to function according to the exhibition imperative particular for the my wellbeing record framework. These requirements are: Existence. The time determines the quantity of activities or procedures that can be handled every second with my wellbeing record framework though the space characterizes the measure of room required for the capacity of information and data on the patient young people. Security. The cloud based arrangement framework should work to actualize the security determinations of my wellbeing record framework. This indicates the individuals approved to access and view certain data and for this situation the patients and the clinical specialists are the main ones confirmed to. Unwavering quality of the framework. Is the cloud based arrangement framework proficient and compelling for the predefined task required by headspace? It ought to have the option to make persistent records and store them. Similarity. Is the cloud based arrangement ready to join new client needs and new innovations in the wellbeing part? Working prerequisite characteristics. This includes the physical requirements of my wellbeing record framework. For example the ability of the cloud based arrangement framework to react to upkeep, investigating and execution. Framework improvement life cycle necessity characteristics which is additionally partitioned into two: Configuration rating. Versatility of the cloud based arrangement framework soon is thought of. Advancement limits. The elements that limit improvement of a framework, for example, the cutoff time of a framework, assets accessibility, cost of advancement and time limit are placed into thought. Business prerequisite characteristics. This is the money related worth that a framework will add to the current framework or the cost that will be brought about while executing the cloud based arrangement framework. Government strategies prerequisite characteristics. A decent cloud based arrangement framework ought to comply with the predefined law of a legislature or a country. Highlights of a framework are ordered into two: Non-useful element and the Functional highlights. The non-practical highlights check the usefulness of a framework while the useful characteristics are the real elements of a framework Chung do Prado (2009). Non-practical highlights of my wellbeing record framework dependent on FURPS include: Usefulness of my wellbeing record framework. Is the cloud based arrangement framework fit for playing out the assignments that Headspace requires from a framework? Does the cloud based arrangement framework have the capacities, the reason and the safety efforts to be utilized adequately and proficiently by Headspace? Ease of use of my wellbeing record framework. The cloud based arrangement framework ought to be easy to use. It ought to have the option to interface with various clients of Headspace. It ought to have the option to expend data from the patients and store them. It ought to have the option to recover data from a database and pass on a report. Dependability of my wellbeing record framework. The cloud based arrangement framework ought to be relied upon as far as security of information, exactness of information, recovery of information and ought to be available to investigating, fix and upkeep on the off chance that a framework disappointment happens. Execution of my wellbeing record framework. The cloud based arrangement framework ought to guarantee a smooth progression of exercises of patient enrollment, meeting and creation of reports for Headspace. Acceptability highlight of my wellbeing record framework. The cloud based arrangement framework needs to include similarity, testability, movability and investigating for it to be viewed as entirety. Correlation between Non-utilitarian highlights and useful highlights of the cloud based arrangement framework. Non-useful highlights of my wellbeing record framework Utilitarian highlights of my wellbeing record framework Guarantees the cloud based arrangement framework plays out the proposed tasks for Headspace yet doesn't indicate how this is accomplished as for the new my wellbeing record framework that will be actualized. Guarantees the cloud based arrangement follows the rules and the strategies of playing out the Headspace, my wellbeing record framework, expected activities for example the framework should catch tolerant data gave and store it to future investigation. Ease of use determines that the cloud based arrangement framework ought to be easy to understand however doesn't expound on how it ought to do as such regarding the execution of my wellbeing record framework. Ease of use here is very much indicated regarding how the framework will communicate with its clients through the interface modules set up. For example when a patient is enrolling with Headspace through the wellbeing record framework the framework should provoke the client to enter subtleties lastly illuminate on the off chance that he/she is enlisted. Data exactness and security is supposed to be incorporate however the instrument in which they ought to be actualized isn't spelt out. Sorts of the safety efforts in information security concerning the cloud based arrangement framework is unmistakably spelt out like the utilization of cryptography to make sure about data sent in the my wellbeing record framework. Execution is a general issue and isn't communicated according to the usage of my wellbeing record framework. The quantity of procedures/exchanges every second that my wellbeing record framework can figure out how to process Similarity is a general element for all frameworks as indicated by non-useful component. How a cloud based arrangement adjusts to the future innovations and medication creations is well spelt out. This may be the duty of cloud specialist co-ops. Qualities and Weaknesses of a cloud based arrangement Cloud registering Marston, et al (2011). Qualities/Advantages. Decreased expense of execution of a framework. Actualizing a cloud based arrangement is less expensive contrasted with beginning a framework without any preparation. Building up a framework without any preparation requires experiencing all the phases of the SDLC which is dull and costly despite the fact that it might cover the entire extent of the necessities. Adjustment to new innovations and situations later on is guaranteed by the cloud based arrangement specialist co-ops which is absolutely the inverse with in-house created. Cloud based arrangements are solid. Most cloud based arrangement suppliers offer investigating fix and upkeep administrations to their customers through SLAs. The board of assets is finished by the cloud based specialist organizations in this manner the concern for asset the executives isn't a weight to the Headspace supervisory group. Flourishing of a business arranged association. Cloud based arrangement framework frequently bolster the business part of an association by giving them CRM and ERP framework. Helplessness/Weakness. Security weakness. Because of the system perspective where one server has numerous customers, individuals may gadget approaches to bargain the validation frameworks and access private data on the patients of Headspace. Security of data and administrations is a danger to cloud based arrangement frameworks. Slow execution or stopped procedures. Because of the facilitating of numerous customers by the specialist organizations at times all the procedures of Headspace possibly moderate or even stop to work appropriately. An end of exercises at Headspace would cause more mischief than anything. Security improvement techniques that can be actualized and work consummately for cloud based frameworks. Cryptography Katz Lindell (2014). This is the best alternative utilizing the disarray and dispersion parts of encryption. This dissuades a programmer who has accessed the framework from getting the real information and data. Establishment of the most recent antiviruses. This is control the flexibility of the different sorts of malevolent projects that will in general eat space on the capacity gadgets and in any event, meddling with the framework stream of exercises and code execution. SDLC Approaches to actualizing my wellbeing record framework that is a cloud based arrangement framework. Two methodologies are thought of and contrasted utilizing their upsides and downsides and reference to cascade versus light-footed, A near report on SDLC Bali Murugaiyan (2012) to locate the reasonable on to go with. These two methodologies are Versatile methodology Masters Cons Appropriate for tending to necessities that continue evolving. Has less limitations and documentation is effortlessly utilized. Empowers simultaneous execution and conveyance inside an ove
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Changes Outside Philippines During 19th Century in the Light of Rizal’s Life
The World in Rizalââ¬â¢s Time Political Changes Alferez, Alain Jared Aquino, Angelica Atienza, Aldrin Baluyot, Rencie Bernabe, Venzerie Rose Lomibao, Justine 2CA1 1801 The Act of Union, an administrative understanding which joined Ireland and Great Britain (England and Scotland) was sanctioned on January 1, 1801. On 1798, the Irish Rebellion carried the Irish inquiry to the consideration of the British Cabinet, and British Prime Minister, William Pitt, was persuaded that the best arrangement was an association. The 1799 proposition met solid resistance from various individuals and was dismissed by greater part of the Irish parliament. Notwithstanding, the administration sought after in changing the oppositionââ¬â¢s see. During the 1800 meeting of the parliament, the Act of Union was at last passed. According to Rizal made an enormous number of works that changed numerous existences of individuals in the Philippines as well as in numerous pieces of the world. What's more, one of Rizalââ¬â¢s most noteworthy works, distributed on the early time of Spanish colonization of the Philippines, is his explanation of Antonio Morgaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Successo de las Islas Filipinasâ⬠. Dr. Jose Rizal republished in Paris Morgaââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Successo de las Islas Filipinasâ⬠with his explanation. It depicted the historical backdrop of the Philippines before the Spanish time frame. Rizal had appeared through this work of his that the Filipinos had a human progress qualified to be pleased with even some time before the Spaniards came the nation. 1816 The American Colonization Society was made with an end goal to resettle blacks and recently liberated slaves. What is ACS? What does it do? For what reason is it made? What was the issue with the blacks and slaves? Where? When? Who? How? Theà American Colonization Societyâ (in full, The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America), established in 1816, was the essential vehicle to help the ââ¬Å"returnâ⬠of freeà African Americansâ to what was viewed as more noteworthy opportunity inà Africa. It served to establish theà colonyà ofà Liberiaà in 1821ââ¬22 as a spot for freedmen. Its organizers wereà Henry Clay,à John Randolph, andà Richard Bland Lee. The colonization exertion came about because of a blend of thought processes. Free blacks,â freedmenâ and their relatives, experienced boundless segregation in the United States of the mid nineteenth century. According to Rizal clearly hated the separation of rights among highly contrasting. What occasion? When? Where? How could he demonstrate his restriction to segregation? Any compositions? What did he accomplish for the blacks and the slaves? 1837 Queen Victoria becomes Queen at 18 years old. England figured out how to construct a colossal domain during the Victorian time frame. It was likewise a period of huge change in the lives of British individuals. In 1837, the vast majority lived in towns and took a shot at the land, by 1901, most lived in towns and worked in officials, shops, and processing plants. Corresponding to Rizal showed up in London and in Liverpool on May 24, 1888. For a brief timeframe, he remained as a visitor of Dr. Antonio Regidor, an outcast and a rehearsing legal advisor. Before the finish of May, he moved to another motel ran by the Breckett Family. It was here that Rizal met Gertrude Breckett, a genuine blooded English lady. Her case with Rizal was very not quite the same as others since it was single direction. She gave indication of being particularly infatuated with our saint. 1861 Criminal Law Coordination Act decreased the quantity of capital violations to four: Murder, High Treason, Arson and Piracy. After 1861 the death penalty was just held for 4 wrongdoings, murder, robbery, illegal conflagration in the Royal Dockyards and high treachery In which nation? Britain, Britain Why was CLCA diminished into four capital violations? For what reason would they say they were picked? More subtleties. According to Rizal was blamed for Treason. (Blamed as pioneer for Katipunan/disobedience) Meaning of Treason treachery of one's own nation by taking up arms against it or by deliberately or intentionally acting to help its foes. For what reason was Rizal blameworthy with injustice? What did he do? When? Where? His compositions had motivated the Philippine Revolutionâ against pilgrim rule. For a long time Rizal stayed in a state of banishment in Dapitan, where he rehearsed ophthalmology, assembled a school and waterworks, arranged town upgrades, composed, and completed logical investigations. At that point he effectively requested of the Spanish government to join the Spanish armed force in Cuba as a specialist; yet on his approach to Spain to enroll, the Philippine unrest broke out, and Rizal was come back from Spain, detained, and went after for fraudulent allegations of conspiracy and complicity with the unrest. Interface with Rizalââ¬â¢s suffering. His adversaries in the administration and Church were working off camera, and he was sentenced. The day preceding he was executed he kept in touch with a companion: ââ¬Å"I am blameless of the wrongdoing of defiance. So I am going to bite the dust with a quiet inner voice. â⬠1868 Queen Isabella was ousted and supplanted by Miguel Carlos dela Torre according to Rizal This occurred in Spain (Conservatives needed a sovereign as ruler) Why might the sovereign be deposed by the general? According to Rizal Miguel Carlos dela Torre offered approach to Liberalism and the right to speak freely of discourse. Component in Spanish societyâ⬠dissidents, reformists (dela Torre) made a Republic Separated state from chapel. Chosen, not selected. 1869 Suez Canal was opened to the world following 10 years of development. With cooperation with the French How much time does Suez Canal spare? (spared time and exertion, merchandise are moved) (Pwede ata ito sa connection) Everything was moved including IDEAS any place individuals go. Thoughts from Europe will enter Philippines in view of Suez Canal corresponding to Rizal went through the Suez Canal when he was headed to the City of Naples. 1874 Previous Spanish General Manuel Pavia y Rodriguez bites the dust at Madrid, January 4 at age 67, having finished Spainââ¬â¢s first republic by his overthrow dââ¬â¢etat of January 1874. More subtleties corresponding to Rizal From Barcelona, Rizal moved to Madrid, the capital city of Spain. On November 3, 1882, he joined up with Medicine and Philosophy and Letters in the Universidad Central de Madrid. He additionally considers painting and model in the Academy of Arts and took exercises in French, German and English. http://www. capitalpunishmentuk. organization/hanging1. html http://lawful word reference. thefreedictionary. com/conspiracy http://en. wikipedia. organization/wiki/American_Colonization_Society
Thursday, August 13, 2020
How to Write a Reflection Paper
How to Write a Reflection Paper Definition of a reflection paper A great deal of time is spent thinking; thinking about what you might have read, what people have said about you, what you are thinking about yourself and how your thinking has changed over time. The thinking process involves critical and reflective evaluation. Reflection is the personal response to situations, experiences, new information, or events. A reflective essay is a type of essay that reflects your personality and they are normally subjective and personal. Itâs your response to feelings and thoughts, a way of thinking to explore learning, an opportunity for gaining self-knowledge, and a chance to reinforce and develop writing skills. It involves the experiences you have been through and the influence they have on you, the people you have met, and the places you have been. This article provides tips on how to write a reflection paper. Writing a reflective paper gives you the opportunity to tell your reader who you really are, the reasons behind what you are, and how you have grown, changed or developed from your experiences. This type of essay helps you think more about yourself. Itâs a way of communicating with your instructor about how a particular lesson shaped your understanding. In most cases, other types of essays require research, figures, and facts. For the case of the reflection essay writing process, you need to adopt a naturally personal, and fluid approach, both in style and structure. Any reflective essay should maintain a professional and academic tone with an organization that is cohesive thorough. You can achieve this by keeping your thoughts sensible and organized by not dragging other people down in your paper. If a personâs influence made you feel down, unpleasant or rejected, you should have limits as you describe the influence the person had on you. Are you wondering about how to start a reflective paper? A reflection paper requires one to use âIâ so as to relate your subjective opinions and feelings with evidence. You should also use correct grammar and spellings as well. Some abbreviations should be avoided since this is an academic paper. You should therefore check your grammar and spelling after you finish writing your reflective paper. A reflection paper could be of an imagination, experience, a special object, special place or something that you have watched or read. It should be reviewed at sentence level by; making sure your sentences are focused with multiple ideas not squeezed in one sentence. Often, avoid sentence fragments but make sure that each sentence should have both subject and verb. To make your paper more natural and conversational, vary the length of your sentences by including each complex sentence with multiple clauses and each simple sentence with a single verb and a single subject. This also prevents your reflection letter from being wooden. Use of transitions in your reflective paper is essential. They allow you to link your understandings and conclusions directly with the experience or lesson. It is also recommendable to relate class information to your experience While writing a reflective paper, you should be able to reveal your information wisely. This is because a reflection paper includes personal information, subjective opinions and feelings and you should only write what you feel is appropriate. To write effectively, you should focus on your course perceptions and content, ideas, observations and experiences based on your topic and what you find inspiring, interesting, difficult, or confusing. Your reflection paper format should include an introduction, body and conclusion Outline To start a reflection paper, you need an outline. For a great reflective essay, proper planning is required based on the information any either topic you choose. A reflective essay needs to be organized. This is you canât just talk about everything or anything without order. An outline helps you lay out what to use before writing, this prevents you from forgetting crucial elements in your essay. It also provides you with the right roadmap. The structure of a reflective essay is different from other essays e.g. argumentative essay. An organized reflection paper should be; Sweet and short and this involves word count and other instructions from your instructor. A great reflective essay includes; Identification of the main themes, the reason as to why the experience or event stands out in your mind and not any other, creating a chart if necessary; list the key points in first column, your response to the points in the second column by mentioning how beliefs, experiences and subjective values influenced your response and a description of how much your response is for the purpose sharing in the reflection paper. The outline format involves: Introduction; this involves an identification and explanation of the subject, a statement of your reaction to the statement, that is, what is agreeable or disagreeable? Was there change of mind? Was your expectations met by the subject? What did you learn from the experience? Body; This consists of three paragraphs: Paragraph 1; this should include the topic sentence and three supportive sentences. Body paragraph 2 which is made of a topic sentence and three supportive sentences. And body paragraph 3 which has a topic sentence and two supportive sentences. Conclusion; summarizes the main ideas covered in the body and introduction sections. Writing the actual Reflective paper Introduction After you have created the outline for your reflective paper, it is time you started writing the actual paper. The introduction gives an over view of your reaction by identifying the subject. It should be interesting as it prepares a ready on what they are to read. It involves describing the experience briefly without giving it all. This makes the reader keep reading until conclusion .The introduction includes; Hook; this gives a preview of the interesting part of your story to grab the attention of your readers. Thesis statement development; this comes at the end of your introduction. It includes a quick statement of the contents of your essay and how the story has influenced you, be it of a place, person or experience and its influence on you. Itâs an explanation of whether your expectations were actually met and what you learned. It provides a transition to the body of your paper and is later revisited in conclusion. It provides cohesion and focus of your paper. A transition sentence makes your paper flow logically and easily readable. Body The body comes after the introduction and is the most crucial part of the essay. It identifies the key points that support the thesis statement. It can be confusing and muddled but organizing it correctly makes your reflective essay great. You should always use adjectives tor describing all that you saw, heard, felt or smelled. The body can also be narrative; you can narrate all that happened in your experience. The body is also made of the effects whether personal or to a group, friends or family. It should also answer what changed or happened after the experience. Reflections or realizations should be included in the body. The realization is easy to write since itâs all about thoughts and no research is needed. You should also include your perception on the experience, whether bad or good. It should include lessons which the reader can also learn from, benefits, or what you lost from the experience. Here are a few tips for a great body: Use of correct chronology. This involves putting all your important ideas in an orderly way to avoid confusion. Inclusion of the impact the person, experience, or place has on you if any and your lessons from it. It should be a long section involving a description of the person, place, or event. Itâs what interests the reader most as it shows all about you. Creation of guiding questions to your response. These include questions about the event and its relation to you. Examples of this questions include; How does the experience affect you? Is it culturally, socially, theologically or emotionally? And if yes, how and where? Why is it a bother or why has it grabbed your attention. Has your way of thinking been affected by the experience? Was it in accordance with your beliefs and what made you change to what you are now? Was anyone involved in your experience and what was his or her contribution? Conclusion The body paragraphs explain your understandings or conclusions gained at end of experience or lesson. Itâs the final touch that brings your whole story together. It includes the summary of main points as in the body and an overall view of your reflection. The summary includes your thoughts, realizations, and experience. However, you should rely on facts and do not include new ideas here that were not covered in the text. Each main idea should be written in a separate paragraph. The topic sentence clearly identifies key points, understanding, or conclusions. How to Write a Reflection Paper How to start a reflection paper? What is a reflection paper? A good reflective paper is about some facts or experiences together with your personal thoughts and insights. You can write about what you think or what you believe in. Or you can describe any of your observations. This kind of paper is not too difficult to write as you express your own thoughts and ideas. There are no strict rules about how to start the reflection paper, so you can make the introduction the way you see it. However, we advise you to write a general statement about the topic of the paper in the introduction part to inform the reader. And you should state the thesis in the first part of the paper as well. Otherwise, the reader can feel confused. And besides a good beginning, there should be a fine narration with your thoughts, facts and the conclusion at the end. You should your own thoughts and observations, or you can get a low grade if you use the thoughts of another person. How to write a reflection paper: format and rules Weâll give you a sample APA format reflection paper to see how you can write yours. Weâve mentioned above, there are no strict rules about the format, but you can use our guide for practicing your skills of writing. However, itâs clear from the reflection paper definition that you have to write your thoughts. Write a good introduction A good beginning of any kind of paper aims at making the reader want to read all the text. It doesnât mean you should write something unbelievable. You should write what the reflection paper is about, what you think about it and why you have decided to choose this topic. The thesis should be short and precise not to make the introductory part too long. Write about your thoughts and experience Writing a reflection paper can become a tough task if you have no your personal opinions about anything that happens around you. Even if you think your thoughts donât really matter, itâs not so. You should always write about your true feelings and true considerations. One more thing that should be present in your reflection paper is describing facts. You can describe what you saw, what other people did or how they looked like. You can describe what you heard, smelled and so on. The next thing to write about is the influence of the accident or that situation on you or people around you. State how important it was to experience the situation, what conclusions youâve made and why. You can write whether the incident was good or bad despite what other people think about it. Itâs not an informative essay where you just state the facts. Here you should state your thoughts towards the case. If you saw a terrible catastrophe, you should describe how it happened and your feelings during the process. What happened right after the accident as well as your actions. Conclude it right If you google the example of reflection paper, you will always find the conclusion no matter what structure and format the writer has chosen for the paper. The story will seem unfinished without the conclusion, so make sure you have it and you have written it right. What is the right conclusion? Itâs the one where you include the thesis, you sum up everything that youâve mentioned in the body paragraphs. You shouldnât just state the same facts and ideas, you should write what you have learned from that case and what youâre going to do with it in the future. If the situation youâve described is connected with other people, you should write how it influenced their lives and whatâs going to happen with these people in the future, how their lives will change and so on. A step-by-step guide to writing a reflection paper You know the theory, so itâs time for practical tasks. Weâll give you tips on how to write a reflection paper. Find the catchy title. Everyone reads the title, and if itâs good enough, your text will be read with high interest. Track your ideas. Itâs best to make a table where you will make notes with your thoughts and ideas. You can make up columns like what happened, your thoughts and the result. Ask questions. Ask yourself questions about the paper. Start with something like why your internship reflection paper should be written and how useful it is. And finish with the more precise questions like what you felt when you saw the accident or how it influenced your affection of the crime, etc. Keep it short. Itâs the rule thatâs actual for any kind of papers. If you can exclude the word without losing its initial sense, do it. The same works with the whole paragraphs. Wateriness is a very bad idea. Let the experts improve it. If you feel itâs too complicated or there are a lot of papers to write, itâs better to sleep well at night and let the expert authors do their job. You will give a short description of the event or nothing at all. And you will get a good piece of writing in a few days. The bottom line It often happens that there are no great good or bad events that are stuck in our memories. And even writing the reflection paper outline seems to be the most difficult task youâve ever had. Therefore, we advise you not to waste time and order the paper online. The earlier you do it, the better work you will get, and the more nerves you will save.
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